Soul Light TherapyCounselling & Psychotherapy with Amanda Tilbury

Working with the arts in psychotherapy

In addition to talking therapy I provide the opportunity to work with various art forms (painting, drawing and sculpture, music, movement, and sand play). Although these can sound a bit strange or daunting, many people find they provide an alternative means of communication and expression to convey deeply felt emotions and experiences that words alone may fail to adequately capture.

The results can be powerful and unexpected. Working with the arts encourages a connection and engagement with your inner creative and imaginative capacities, providing a powerful resource in dealing with personal difficulties and life challenges. Most importantly creating images through any of the art forms can reveal aspects of yourself that may have been unknown. The process of self-discovery leads to a greater sense of wholeness and the possibility of accessing hitherto untapped potential.

Working with the arts in psychotherapy and counselling is a dynamic, playfull and creative process that is not concerned with technique or the end product. You do not need to have any experience or ability in using the arts; this approach is flexible and adaptable to your individual needs whilst recognising creativity in all.

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